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International Marketing - International Marketing Training
International marketing training is designed to teach you marketing skills from an international perspective. The "5 Ps" of marketing are still valid however the international marketing professional needs to think about local customs, mores, traditions or religious connotations of everything he or she does.
While there are many advantages to mass production on an international level such as economies of scale, an unwary marketer could find him or herself causing offense. The ramifications of this could be catastrophic for business.
International marketing treads a fine line between 'one size fits all' and merit customer needs. You will find that customs, rituals, traditions, and regions, vary greatly between countries and indeed regions.
For example, the color red is considered lucky in China, whereas it is usually used as a warning color in the west. Purple is the color of mourning in India; in the west it is black.
Some religions forbid certain animal products. There are different social and business customs, which you also need to be aware of when meeting foreign nationals. Some cultures expect an invitation tube extended three times before accepting - if you didn't know this then you could lose business! Showing the soles of your feet can be deeply insulting to some. You also need to be knowledgeable of local import/export, and customs and excise rules. These are just a few examples of the types of differences you need to be aware of.
Job outlook for International Marketing
With the increased usage of the Internet, it is now just as easy to do business on the opposite side of the world, as it is interstate. If you are well trained in international marketing your services would be valuable to any number of businesses wanting to take advantage of cheaper sources of goods and labor or the international distribution of a product. This trend can only grow and shows no sign of slowing.