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Design Articles
Advertising Manager - Training & Careers
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

Most employers prefer to hire those with a background in advertising, journalism, marketing, consumer behavior, market research, communications, or art. If you do not have a bachelors degree in one of these fields, you should strongly consider going back to school. Read More...

Animator - Training & Careers
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

During animator training you'll master areas such as 2D and 3D art, storyboards, consumer psychology, character development, and other related fields. In addition, you'll have to master the latest software and computer programs as these will vastly improve your overall productivity. Read More...

Careers in Multimedia and Web Design
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

If you are looking for a job that allows you to use your technical skills without reining in your creative freedom, multimedia and web design could be a perfect fit. Find out more about careers in multimedia and web design. Read More...

Web Design and Development - Website Design Training

Web Design and Development As you read this, you have an example of web design and development before your very eyes. A number of design decisions had to be taken to enable this page to exist. These include the basic layout, including the proportions of the different sections, the selection of colors and typefaces, the position and style of the menu bar, any pictures used, and so forth. The overarching purpose of web design and development is to create a website where the many individual elements are integrated into an effective design whole, which enhances the message and text of the site. Web Design is big business these days, and it is important to undertake formal training if you wish to enter the Web Design job market.

Web Design and Development Training

Web design and develoment has moved on considerably since the early days, when a grasp of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) was the main requirement. The modern Web Designer has to fully understand not only HTML, but also cascading style sheets, and the integration of software and multimedia into web pages. Companies invest heavily in creating websites that people will wish to return to, and they expect a full range of multimedia and interactive features to enhance those sites. web design and development training may involve the study of some basic scripting languages, but it will more likely emphasize the design and technical aspects of integrating different elements to make an effective site.

Web Design and Development Job Outlookg

Web Designers may work on their own, undertaking much of the work themselves, and calling on the services of programmers or artists for more specialized tasks. They may also work in Web Design Companies. Larger organizations often bring their Web Design and Development function in-house, and this creates further opportunities. As the Internet continues to grow, the job outlook in web design and development should be very good.