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Design Articles
Advertising Manager - Training & Careers
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

Most employers prefer to hire those with a background in advertising, journalism, marketing, consumer behavior, market research, communications, or art. If you do not have a bachelors degree in one of these fields, you should strongly consider going back to school. Read More...

Animator - Training & Careers
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

During animator training you'll master areas such as 2D and 3D art, storyboards, consumer psychology, character development, and other related fields. In addition, you'll have to master the latest software and computer programs as these will vastly improve your overall productivity. Read More...

Careers in Multimedia and Web Design
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

If you are looking for a job that allows you to use your technical skills without reining in your creative freedom, multimedia and web design could be a perfect fit. Find out more about careers in multimedia and web design. Read More...

Game Design Schools & Training Programs for Game Design

Game Design Schools If you are a mad keen video games player, then have you considered that your destiny may be to design the kinds of games you love playing so much?

You know already just how much goes into a modern video game. Thecharacters, the settings, the animation, the sound, and of course thepin-sharp programming that makes it all work. Behind the finishedproduct is a team of dedicated professionals in Game Design. If you want to join them, then you need the training which Game Design Schools can offer you.

What can I do with a Game Design Schools degree?

Your likely destination as a Game Design Schools graduate will be working in a game design house. The type of job you do will depend partly on your training. Some Game Designers specialize on the visual side of things, creating characters, graphic environments, and animations. Others are involved with programming, which requires different skills. As major games are designed by teams, you can find opportunities to exploit your particular strengths. As you progress, you can look to rise to positions such as Project Manager or Producer. Who knows, one day you night even run your own game design company, or develop your own gaming website.

Job outlook with a Game Design Schools degree.

Video games are a huge and growing industry, and competition to produce the next smash-hit game is fierce. This means that workers in Game Design have never had it so good, and your outlook as a Game Design Schools graduate should be exciting. Don't underestimate the challenge, however. Games houses want to employ hard-working and highly-trained professionals. Earning a Game Design Schools degree is an important part of showing them that you are the person they need.