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Design Articles
Advertising Manager - Training & Careers
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

Most employers prefer to hire those with a background in advertising, journalism, marketing, consumer behavior, market research, communications, or art. If you do not have a bachelors degree in one of these fields, you should strongly consider going back to school. Read More...

Animator - Training & Careers
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

During animator training you'll master areas such as 2D and 3D art, storyboards, consumer psychology, character development, and other related fields. In addition, you'll have to master the latest software and computer programs as these will vastly improve your overall productivity. Read More...

Careers in Multimedia and Web Design
Publish date : Mar 25, 2010

If you are looking for a job that allows you to use your technical skills without reining in your creative freedom, multimedia and web design could be a perfect fit. Find out more about careers in multimedia and web design. Read More...

Interior Design Schools - Interior Design Degrees

Interior Design Schools After a building has been put up, the rooms inside will probably be undecorated and unfurnished. In will then be the job of an Interior Designer to select colors, materials, furnishings, lighting, and layouts, which are suitable for the type and function of the building. It could be (for example) a factory, a single home, or one of many public buildings. Interior design involves a combination of artistic and practical skills. It also requires someone who can work to budgets and deadlines, and who really listens to what the client wants. If you have that combination of esthetic and practical abilities and good communication skills, and you can work in a businesslike and organized way, then an interior design training could be right for you.

What will I learn in Interior Design Schools?

Interior Design Schools programs will vary a little from school to school. In general, your program will cover general design principles, and their application to planning interior space and solving any problems that arise in the planning process. Computer Aided Design (CAD) should figure prominently in your program, as it is now an indispensable tool of interior design, particularly when working in three dimensions. You can also expect to work on design projects for particular types of location, such as office or retail design.

Interior design job outlook

Graduates of Interior Design Schools have a number of factors working in their favor. The demand for design services in a variety of locations, such as private residences, offices, care homes, and shops, is likely to increase. There will (as in most design professions) be competition for jobs, but your interior design training will give you a head start both in establishing and developing your career.