According to the Department of Labor, the FAA requires at least 1.5 years of work experience for certification. In addition, most aircraft mechanics have earned a 2 or 4-year degree from an FAA-certified school. Read More...
Motorcycle Mechanic Schools - Motorcycle Mechanics Training
Motorcycle mechanic schools offer a huge variety of different motorcycle mechanic training programs, but whatever program you choose to take at motorcycle mechanic school, you can be sure you will boost your career prospects.
Motorcycle Mechanic Training
Motorcycle mechanic training programs generally fall into two categories. General programs supply the theory and practical hands-on experience you need to service motorcycles and to diagnose/repair faults.
You will cover a broad range of subjects including engines, transmission, suspension and chassis systems, electrical and fuel systems. You will learn how each different motorcycle component works,what can go wrong and how to make quality repairs in the minimum time possible.
The second category of motorcycle mechanic program is manufacturer-specific - so you will cover the same sorts of subjects, but with particular emphasis on the service and repair of motorcycles produced by leading names in the motorcycle industry such as Harley-Davidson, Yamaha, BMW, Kawasaki, Honda and Suzuki.
Motorcycle Mechanic Careers
There is no defined career path or national accreditation for becoming a motorcycle mechanic. Formal general or manufacturer-specific programs as outlined above will probably need to be combined with up to three years' on the job training.
Instead of a longer general or manufacturer-specific programs (or combination of the two), many budding motorcycle mechanics learn on the job and take short formal programs to enhance their skills or learn about new models. Motorcycle mechanics who want to carry out warranty work for the big name motorcycle manufacturers or for insurance companies must first attend certain manufacturer-specific programs.
Motorcycle Mechanic Job prospects
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment of motorcycle mechanics will grow as fast as the average for all occupations. Those individuals who complete formal motorcycle mechanic training programs should enjoy particularly favorable job prospects. Find out more about how easy it can be to get motorcycle mechanic training.