According to the Department of Labor, the FAA requires at least 1.5 years of work experience for certification. In addition, most aircraft mechanics have earned a 2 or 4-year degree from an FAA-certified school. Read More...
Auto Mechanics Schools - Automotive Technician Training
Auto mechanics (or automotive technicians) use their skills and sophisticated equipment to diagnose and repair faults as well as to inspect and maintain automobiles. A formal program of tuition from your choice of accredited auto mechanics schools gives you the best job prospects.
What will I learn from Auto Mechanics Schools?
Auto mechanics schools offer many programs, including an exciting mix of hands-on practical experience and classroom tuition.
Auto mechanics programs introduce students to the fundamentals of auto mechanics including brake systems, engine repair, diagnostic techniques and electrical/electronic systems.
Practical experience involves the safe and correct use of an increasingly sophisticated range of tools, anything from traditional hand tools to power tools and sophisticated electronic diagnostic equipment.
Auto Mechanics Schools - How do I qualify?
Accredited programs at most auto mechanics schools last from between 6 and 12 months at auto mechanics technical or trade school to over two years at community college. Voluntary accreditation by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence is a standard credential for auto mechanics.
You can certify in 1 or more of 8 service areas such as suspension and steering or brake systems. Certification requires 2 years' experience and passing a written examination, though completion of an auto mechanics training program can be substituted for 1 year of experience.
Job prospects for Auto Mechanics
The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment of auto mechanics will increase as fast as the average through to 2012. However, job opportunities are expected to be very good for auto mechanics who complete formal programs.
Throughout your career you will need to keep your skills up to date to keep pace with new models and new technologies (such as alternative fuels). Indeed, at least once every 5 years auto mechanics must retake each examination in each one of their service areas to maintain their certifications.