AutoCAD Training - Computer Aided Design Careers
Computer Aided Design plays a key role in many organizations and companies engaged in design work. AutoCAD software can be employed in numerous settings, and its extensive range of design facilities has wide ranging applications.
AutoCAD enables designers to coordinate sets of drawings, create tabular data, annotate drawings, and manage sheet sets.
There are also more specialized AutoCAD packages for designing electrical controls, mechanical design and drafting, and for creating AutoCAD facilities for the use of customers.
AutoCAD Training and Careers
AutoCAD training can be accomplished through a variety of routes and will enable you to find work with a wide range of employers, or offer your services on a freelance basis.
On completion of your AutoCAD training you can seek jobs in architecture and building design, civil engineering, mechanical design, and general design, among many other opportunities. You can also start your own AutoCAD business, offering design and drafting services directly to your clients.
The job outlook for graduates of AutoCAD training will be boosted by rising demand for building design, including residential, retail, and office construction, so your AutoCAD training will offer you good future career potential.
AutoCAD Specialties
Because AutoCAD and related software programs offer great flexibility they can be applied in many specialized settings. You can work in architecture, producing drawings for building design, or create drawings for civil engineering projects, such as bridge building or road construction.
You may also use your AutoCAD training to produce drawings for the design of electrical controls and mechanical assemblies. Even more specialized uses for AutoCAD and related software include land surveying, mapping, and mining applications, as well as residential and commercial fuel supply systems.